A Creative Outlet


Polly almost certainly would have been on Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition if she had been born in a different country about eighty years earlier.
Patrick is the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by charged particles from the solar wind. See more of Patrick's work here.
Dana is a megastructure, and if you don’t want her to destroy the Earth, you’re going to need an EMP capable of taking out a whole swarm of alien robots.
Nathaniel is the powerhouse of the cell, but you don't see him bragging about it like that diva Mitochondria. 
Amy could start a cult if she wanted to. She probably won’t, but if she does, it’ll have all-you-can-drink Prosecco.
Daniel is always looking for just the right word. Currently in first place: nictitating. His poem, The Bog Dragon, is published on Eye to the Telescope.
Ben just wants to dig holes, both figurative and literal. Learn more at BenDeeb.com
Claudia marches to the beat of her own drum. That drum is a timpani she won after beating the devil in a Wordle competition.
Tony was abducted by space aliens in the mid-nineties, and that somehow didn't change his personality at all.
Kyle has the soul of a magician and the grit of a long-haul trucker.
Bill doesn’t have access to a robot army, but if he did, the ruling class would have another thing coming.
Mere is fully tapped into the collective unconscious, and Carl Jung is extremely jealous.
Wes has gazed into the abyss. The abyss, charmed, bought him a Negroni and took him ice skating.
Geoffrey is a narrative designer, game creator, and interactive fiction author from Los Angeles. He’s written for Ubisoft, Disney, Gearbox, and indie studios around the world. Ask him about VCR board games… if you dare! Learn more at GeoffreyGolden.com.
Kari has spontaneously combusted on seventeen separate occasions, but won't let scientists examine her because she loves a good mystery.
Dan has poached exactly as many eggs as you’d expect.
Melissa spends much of her time untethered from the earth, yet manages to remain incredibly grounded.
Brandon is a fake punt resulting in a touchdown, followed by a recovered onside kick that leads to another glorious touchdown. After the game, he is the multiple gallons of pistachio ice cream that the football boys enjoy to celebrate their big win. See more of his design work at @brandonmurray126.
Matt is a natural source of unlimited clean energy, but he’s extraordinarily difficult to harness.
Dave was a poet and musician who always had laughter in his eyes. That laughter often exploded out of his mouth. This was good, because if his eyes had been capable of making sound, scientists would have taken him away for study, and he’d have spent far less time bringing joy to his family. He would have been 98 this year.
Romayne is a crisp, melodic birdsong winding through a sun-dappled forest. She is also the evolutionary explanation for why that birdsong is so delightfully pleasing. She occasionally posts her spectacular paintings on Instagram.
Adam is a beautiful idiot. Mild mannered nonprofit fundraiser by day—and rabid cinephile, crafter, & martini drinker by night.
Grayson is up to something. It seems like it involves multiple swarms of bees, but it’s impossible to know for sure.
Jade puts the "fun" in collapsed wave functions. Find her on Instagram @bumvivant.
Graham does not know karate at all, no matter what he says. Learn more at GrahamTowers.com.
Ava knows all the words to Old McDonald Had a Farm, even the secret lyrics humans aren’t allowed to hear, because she’s friends with the duck from the second verse.
Nolan's been all over this dang world, and everywhere he goes, locals see him and shout "Ahoy, El Niño Fantastico!" even if he's not in a Spanish-speaking country.


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A Creative Outlet

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